So another good thing that came out of this year is me having the time (more so not having the excuse of not having the time) to start something I've wanted to for a while now. Maybe a year or so ago I started thinking about doing a comic. I've seen some really relatable fun ones online and I thought maybe I could do something similar. Of course the usual doubts and excuses stopped me. What if it's no good. I have other projects I'm working on. And of course the ever popular I don't feel like it. Well, about midway through the endless days of the pandemic (can I call it midway since its not quite over?) I started drawing a few panels for this comic. I had a few story ideas down in my notes anyway and I hadn't started binge re-watching Avatar the Last Airbender (or the Legend of Korra).
I'll be honest, I dragged my feet a little. I was still working on other art projects and still hoping this "Covid thing" would blow over so I could get back to my job with Amazon. Of course the Covid-19 stuck around and my job did not. But not only did I finish other projects and join several Avatar fandom groups on Facebook, I also finished my first Lone Wolf comic. And I finished four others.
I don't know where this is going to go. I'm really doing it for fun. Either way though I'd like to introduce you to Aja. Aja is a lone wolf living in a world of cats. Often misunderstood and feeling like a bit of an outcast, most days, my comic follows her everyday adventures as she tries to navigate a world that just doesn't seem to be made for her. If you're an introvert, a book lover or if you've ever felt like an outsider, you'll probably enjoy the Lone Wolf Comic Strip. I have a Facebook page and an Instagram. I'll be uploading my comics on Fridays and hopefully they'll be more to come. Enjoy!